The McNair-Harris Crescent Foundation Scholarship value is $500. The scholarship eligibility requirements are: 
Earned a minimum GPA 2.5 
2024 - 2025 High School Graduate
Reside in Durham, Wake, or Orange County
2 References Required

All information submitted on this application will be held confidential and will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. This application must be completed and submitted, with the additional required materials (narratives, essay, transcripts, recommendation forms, etc.), NO LATER than Sunday, April 6th 2025. Applications postmarked after that date will not be accepted.

Date of Birth


Academic Information

Expected Graduation Date

Please upload your high school transcript below


Please complete below a brief description of academic honors, awards, or accomplishments received during high school. 


Please upload your college acceptance letter


Please complete below a brief description of community service activities participated in during high school. List activity and length of involvement (hours)


Essay Questions

Answer the follow: Who has been your biggest role model? Max 250 words. 


Answer the follow: What are your future goals? Max 250 words.


Please list the names, positions, and contact numbers of the three people who will be writing your letters of recommendation. Include the Name, Position, and Contact Phone Number. Please have the recommendations sent to


Certification and Release Statement

We hereby acknowledge that the information submitted on this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand that falsification or misrepresentation of the information contained herein will disqualify the student applicant from consideration for financial aid from the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, Delta Zeta Sigma Chapter Scholarship Fund. We agree that if chosen as an award recipient, the Delta Zeta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated may make reasonable use of the student's name and picture for public purposes. Please check the Acknowledge below.


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